Terms & Conditions


Domainwala.net do not charge recursive fee. All transactions are initiated by user also we do not save any billing related data.


Domainwala.net has right to change price of any service at any time.

Refund Process:

Domainwala.net never charges you automatically. All transactions are initiated by users only. We use Paytm, Razorpay and other third party payment gateways to collect payments. Also, we refund payments using the same gateways, we just initiate the refund request to our billing gateways, it may take several days to get your refund. We are not responsible for any kind of refund delay. We will provide you refund ID and all other details. We only refund if we can't able to purchase your desired domain name or its blocked within 3 days.


Domainwala.net has rights to send you notification via Email to your registered email regarding new offers or for other information purpose.